Independent Power Producer

Independent Power Plant

A complete solution provider throughout the Middle East

MDS Energy has taken up the role of Independent Power Producers to operate and develop utility scale solar projects in the Middle East. The strategic focus is primarily on generating annual returns with a concentration on providing the levelized electricity at an affordable price in an environment where there is an increasing demand for existing power grid infrastructures.

Working as an enabler to business enterprises offering enhanced brand value, MDS Energy deploys a combination of the best quality components and advanced technologies from top class vendors to meet the needs of our clients.

Independent Power Producing Solutions

We offer tailor- made Independent Power Producing solutions that cover a broad range of industries and sectors. These include:

    • Commercial
    • Industrial
    • Utility
    • Residential
    • Oil & Gas

We guide you with:

    • Site Activities right from planning to take over along with construction and site management.
    • Our team of highly skilled engineers tender support with commissioning and execution of all phases of power plant performance testing.
    • Experience and capacity to work as a main contractor or consortium leader in the construction of turnkey projects.

Benefits Of Employing Our IPP Resources

Independent Power Plants are powered by a broad range of renewables and fossil fuels. The IPP model, therefore, produces and sells natural gas, nuclear power and renewal energy such that is generated by wind co-operatives and solar power. The age of the facility, its location, the cost of start-up and cooperation, fuel availability, and politics are all important aspects that affect the fuel of an independent power plant.

Using state of the art solar engineering methodologies, MDS Energy’s short-term power solutions offer the best of both worlds by producing stable, energy-efficient power that drives long-term benefits. Pushing towards achieving a greener future, we are always striving to enhance sustainability for our customers through the usage of renewable energy innovations.

Additionally, we also offer gas engines for IPPs that come with its own set of advantages. These include:

    • Plants and facilities can be developed modular solutions comprising individual engines.
    • Has the potential and flexibility to increase or decrease power production.
    • Quick deployment of facilities in comparison to large scale, centralised power plants.
    • They offer high fuel and electrical efficiencies.
    • Distributed generation of electricity via local grids.
    • District heating networks can be supported with heat recovery systems.
    • Absorption chillers provide support to district cooling networks.
Independent Power Plant

Our Value Additions

With the goal of producing power and energy at a fraction of the cost, our Independent Power Plant set-ups reduce emissions and waste and make a significant difference in minimising the cost of maintenance and downtime.

Our medium-sized structure of the group with over 10 years’ experience guarantees power, quality, performance and accessibility of consistent supply of energy for IPPs in the MENA region. MDS Energy, a highly experienced contractor comes with the flexibility to produce compliant and renewable solutions for IPPs that make the most of our client’s return on investment.


A complete solution provider throughout the Middle East